What is hospice?
Hospice care is specifically designed for those facing terminal illnesses, with a prognosis of less than six months. Our approach focuses on enhancing and preserving quality of life in all aspects: physical, emotional, interpersonal, and spiritual. Hospice not only supports the patient but also their loved ones. The care provided is tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual.

How much does hospice cost?
Ordinarily, you won't incur any out-of-pocket expenses for hospice care. Both Medicare and Medi-Cal, along with most private insurance plans, fully cover this type of care. Nonetheless, be aware that some insurance plans may necessitate a co-payment. We firmly believe that everyone facing a terminal illness should have access to high-quality hospice care. As such, we won't deny anyone this service solely based on their inability to pay.

Where is hospice care provided?
The concept of hospice care has evolved over time. In the past, hospice was viewed mainly as a facility where dying patients spent their final days. Now, modern hospice care brings supportive services to patients wherever they call home, including private homes, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living communities, and more.

Who is eligible for hospice?
Hospice care provides comfort and support for anyone with a terminal illness who has 6 months or less to live. If you or a loved one have stopped pursuing curative treatments and are interested in hospice services, please contact us to discuss your specific situation. Our team is happy to answer your questions and address any concerns about hospice eligibility completely free of charge. We can arrange a personal in-home evaluation with one of our nurses to conduct a comprehensive assessment. This will allow us to determine how we can best provide tailored hospice care based on your unique circumstances and needs. Please call us at (747) 212-1525 or send us a message at info@alldayhospicecare.com so we can see how we can help improve quality of life for you and your family.

What does hospice care provide?
Our hospice care team provides comprehensive support, including:

  • Doctors and nurses to manage pain and other symptoms
  • Home health aides for assistance with daily activities
  • Social workers to help access resources and cope emotionally
  • Spiritual counselors to provide comfort and rituals
    Volunteers to lend an extra hand and provide company

Additionally, we supply all medications, medical equipment, and supplies related to the terminal illness free of charge. Our staff will coach family caregivers on how to provide daily care and make a patient feel comfortable at home. You can rely on our full hospice team for medical, emotional, and practical support during this difficult time.

Is hospice care provided 24 hours a day?
Our team of professionals is readily available to assess symptoms over the phone during after-hours, weekends, and holidays. If necessary, we also provide visits to ensure the comfort and well-being of our patients.

Will my medications be discontinued?
Hospice care doesn't necessarily halt all medications. Rather, the hospice nurse collaborates with the patient, their family, and their doctors to review all existing medications. Collectively, they decide on the medications that need to be continued, modified, introduced, or discontinued.

Can I change my mind about hospice?
Hospice care doesn't necessarily need to be a lifelong decision. Patients or their families have the option to discontinue hospice services whenever they wish.

Does hospice provide grief support?
Hospice offers grief support and therapy to the immediate family and close friends for a period of up to one year following the death of a patient.

What is the difference between hospice and palliative care?
In hospice care, patients are typically projected to have six months or less to live. This is not the case in palliative care. Patients receiving palliative care are usually in the early stages of their diagnosis and are still pursuing treatment. Conversely, those in hospice are in the final stages of their illness.

How long will a hospice patient live?
Doctors predict that given the typical progression of the disease, the patient may have approximately six months to live. Hospice care neither shortens nor extends a patient's life. Our primary focus is to manage pain and symptoms using medication and therapy. It is impossible to accurately predict the lifespan of a patient. Our experiences range from patients who have only lived a few days, to those who have lived beyond the projected six months.

What are your office hours?
Our office operates daily from 10 AM to 5 PM. In addition, we provide 24-hour on-call services even when our office is closed. If you need to ask questions or seek information about our services, please feel free to call us.

Monday: 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

What is your service area?
We provide services throughout Los Angeles County, Orange County, and Ventura County.

How and where do I inquire about hospice or palliative care?

You can easily reach us at our contact number, (747) 212-1525, for a thorough discussion and consultation. The procedure begins with your inquiry about our hospice or palliative care services.

What can hospice care do for me?
Hospice care is specifically designed to provide hope, dignity, and comfort to those living with incurable diseases. By offering programs like palliative care, hospice ensures that patients can manage the pain and symptoms of their disease, allowing them to enjoy their remaining days.

At hospice, the focus is not on battling the disease, but on combating the depression, pain, and loneliness that often accompany terminal illnesses. We firmly believe that everyone should have a say in how they spend their final days. For those seeking a warm, comforting environment filled with meaningful activities, our hospice is ready to provide exactly that.

Choosing hospice care doesn't mean giving up on wellness. Instead, it's about choosing to see the positive aspects of life while also preparing for the possibility of the worst. Our services encompass medical care, pain management, spiritual counseling, and respite and bereavement care for families. For more information about our hospice care, please don't hesitate to contact us at (747) 212-1525 for further details and consultation.

Who pays for hospice or palliative care?
We endeavor to ensure hospice care is fully covered under insurance plans like Medicare, Medicaid, PPOs, or HMOs. Most of the time, there will be no out-of-pocket costs.

When is the right time to discuss about hospice care?The ideal time to talk about hospice care is before you actually need it. Conversations about end-of-life arrangements can be particularly challenging when you're already facing these issues. It's best to have this discussion now when, unencumbered by illness, you can make informed and sound decisions that will most benefit your family and yourself.